I'm currently working on a web application using a variety of different frameworks, such as Backbone for the back-end, Bootstrap for the front-end and Parsley for client side form validation. Parsley is a really powerful validation toolkit, but it takes some tweaking to make it blend with the Bootstrap front-end. Fortunately this is a one time fix, which can be re-used all over our project.
Since there will be some custom options in our Parsley object, we can't use the default parsley-validate attribute on the form. Instead we have to initialize the validation with the jQuery syntax:
The options are were the magic happens, and in our case we have a global options object that our forms use to get the same experience all over the application. Here's what it looks like:
There are, of course, some caveats with this approach. By default, Parsley has a fallback to some default error messages and multiple validation errors is normally shown if there are multiple errors. The approach above reguires the data-error-message attribute on all validated fields and only one message for each field will be displayed.
Since there will be some custom options in our Parsley object, we can't use the default parsley-validate attribute on the form. Instead we have to initialize the validation with the jQuery syntax:
The options are were the magic happens, and in our case we have a global options object that our forms use to get the same experience all over the application. Here's what it looks like:
var parsleyOptions = { // Sets success and error class to Bootstrap class names successClass: 'has-success', errorClass: 'has-error', // Bootsrap needs success/error class to be set on parent element errors: { classHandler: function(el) { return el.parent(); }, // Set these to empty to make sure the default Parsley elements are not rendered errorsWrapper: '', errorElem: '' }, listeners: { // Show a tooltip when a validation error occurs onFieldError: function (elem, constraints, parsleyField) { elem.tooltip({ animation: false, container: 'body', placement: 'top', title: elem.data('error-message') }); }, // Hide validation tooltip if field is validated onFieldSuccess: function(elem, constraints, parsleyField) { elem.tooltip('destroy'); } } };
There are, of course, some caveats with this approach. By default, Parsley has a fallback to some default error messages and multiple validation errors is normally shown if there are multiple errors. The approach above reguires the data-error-message attribute on all validated fields and only one message for each field will be displayed.
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