In WPF, the RichTextBox control is not really like other controls. Due to its flexible nature, there is no built in way of binding a property to the content. In this case, I wanted a simple RichTextBox control with a binding to an HTML formatted string to be able to use the built-in formatting features of the RichTextBox and allow users to create simple HTML formatted content.
First, doing the conversion on-the-fly proved to have major performance issues, so I ended up binding the content to a XAML string. The XAML to HTML conversion can be performed at any time.
I created a UserControl with a bindable Text-property. The view contains a RichTextBox control.
The source code for the user control contains the Text property and the methods to handle the binding.
Putting this together as a custom control either derived from RichTextBox or just as a simple UserControl as above both works fine. I choose this method since I have exended the control to be more than just a bindable RichTextBox, so this made more sense. When it comes to comverting the XAML to HTML, Microsoft have put together a sample library which does a great job. I haven't had to do any changes to their original code for my scenarios to work, but there might be scenarios where modification is necessary.
First, doing the conversion on-the-fly proved to have major performance issues, so I ended up binding the content to a XAML string. The XAML to HTML conversion can be performed at any time.
I created a UserControl with a bindable Text-property. The view contains a RichTextBox control.
<RichTextBox x:Name="richTextBox" TextChanged="OnRichTextBoxChanged">
The source code for the user control contains the Text property and the methods to handle the binding.
public static readonly DependencyProperty TextProperty = DependencyProperty.Register( "Text", typeof(string), typeof(TextEditor), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(string.Empty, FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions.BindsTwoWayByDefault, OnTextPropertyChanged)); private static void OnTextPropertyChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e) { textEditor.richTextBox.Document = GetDocumentFromXaml((string) e.NewValue); } private void OnRichTextBoxChanged(object sender, TextChangedEventArgs e) { Text = GetXamlFromDocument(richTextBox.Document); } private static string GetXamlFromDocument(FlowDocument document) { return XamlWriter.Save(document); } private static FlowDocument GetDocumentFromXaml(string xaml) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(xaml)) return new FlowDocument(); return (FlowDocument)XamlReader.Parse(xaml); }
Putting this together as a custom control either derived from RichTextBox or just as a simple UserControl as above both works fine. I choose this method since I have exended the control to be more than just a bindable RichTextBox, so this made more sense. When it comes to comverting the XAML to HTML, Microsoft have put together a sample library which does a great job. I haven't had to do any changes to their original code for my scenarios to work, but there might be scenarios where modification is necessary.
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