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Showing posts from February, 2014

jQuery file upload with Bootstrap progress bar

Performing an asynchronous file upload from the browser is a common problem with almost as many solutions as there are developers. The following solution is the best fit for my needs, and also works well with most popular browsers. Backwards compatibility is not an issue in this case which is great, because I can use the new technologies as they are supposed to be used. Everything is put together in JSFiddle for a working example . I will continue to explain the parts below... First, the input field needs to be styled as a button. The form tag is only present for us to be able to reset the file input field later on. <form>     <span class="fileUpload btn btn-default">         <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-upload"></span> Upload file         <input type="file" id="uploadFile" />     </span> </form> .fileUpload { position: relative; overflow: hidden; } .fileUpload input { position: a

Using ASP.NET MVC with MEF

I wrote this post almost a year ago, but never published it for some reason. Anyway, here is a little MVC/MEF magic. By default a controller in MVC must have a parameterless constructor. When using MEF a good practice is to inject the services via constructor parameters. These two in combination obviously creates an issue where the following scenario will not work out of the box, since there is no parameterless constructor for  MVC  to use. Note that the PartCreationPolicy is set to NonShared since a new controller have to be initialized for each request. [Export] [PartCreationPolicy(CreationPolicy.NonShared)] public class HomeController : Controller {     private readonly IServiceClient _service;     [ImportingConstructor]     public HomeController(IServiceClient service)     {         _service = service;     }     public ActionResult Index()     {         return View();     } } For this scenario to work we need to override the default controller factory with a custom imp