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Changes in my life, and on my blog

Yesterday I did my last working day at my previous employer and the next week I will begin my employment as a Microsoft consultant at Connecta in Stockholm. Of course this means that things will change, but only for the better I hope. Leaving a position that you like on a workplace that you like is a tough decision. But in my case there are some amazing possibilities and challenges that I just cannot turn down.

The type of work I will be doing differs a bit from my previous position. I will be more focused on development, which also means that I will try to change the direction of this blog to be more development oriented. At the same time, I have come to realize that by blogging in Swedish I do not really contribute to the community as much as I could. Therefore I have chosen to translate my previous posts to English and continue to blog in English from now on.

Furthermore I have decided to focus more on my blog. I have some interesting projects ahead, both personal and professional, which mean that could I easily increase my blogging frequency. Because the more challenges I run into, the more I will have to write about. Hopefully this will all turn out well and if so, it will be a great 2012!


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