I have been implementing a scheduler service for several different jobs on several difference schedules, which led me into using Quartz.NET . This is a really nice framework, but since we're using MEF I ran into some issues. Quartz.NET basically consists of the scheduler engine which runs jobs implementing the IJob interface. The interface simply consists of an Execute method. I export each job with the IJob interface using MEF . [Export(typeof(IJob))] public class MyJob : IJob { public void Execute(JobExecutionContext context) { ... } } In my scheduler implementation the jobs are imported into an IEnumerable<IJob>. [ImportMany(typeof(IJob))] public IEnumerable<IJob> Jobs { get; set; } The initialization of the scheduled tasks is pretty straight forward. A standard scheduler factory is initialized which in turn gives us a scheduler instance. Each job that was imported by MEF is then added to the scheduler, here ...
.NET, TFS, Azure or anything Microsoft