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Showing posts from June, 2011

Moving to the cloud - part 4

When e-mail, files and blog are already in the cloud the Cornball is the only application left on my hosting provider. It is now getting really exciting because there is no doubt that the Corball should move to the Microsoft cloud, Windows Azure . The Cornball is a Silverlight  application which communicates through a  WCF  service with a  MySQL  database, all on the same hosting provider. This is about to be converted into a  Silverlight  application which communicates through a  WCF  service on  Windows Azure  that in turn communicates with an SQL Azure  database. Microsoft have published a lot of information to  get started with Windows Azure , but basically it is quite simple. After downloading the tools and SDK it is just to get on with the development. Through my MSDN subscription I have got some free Azure capacity so just by logging on to the Windows Azure portal  I am ready to configure ...

Moving to the cloud - part 3

This blog was previously published using  WordPress  at a service provider. There were no problems at all with that setup, on the contrary WordPress  is a great platform. But if I am going to the cloud, I am going to do it fully. A quick solution would be to register an account on  which offers free  WordPress  hosting. The only problem is that if you would like your own domain name it is not free anymore. Not that it is expensive, it is just not free. After investigating som other options i finally ended up using Google's Blogger . Maybe not bacause it is the best solution, but mainly because it covers my needs just fine. As always it is very easy to get going, and the transfer of my existing posts from  WordPress  worked perfectly thanks to WordPress2Blogger . So after about an hour with configuring and converting this blog is now in the cloud.